Consulting & Support

Support to licensed users

We provide some free consulting (within reasonable limits) to all licensed users of R-sw Platform or MapHelp, a service especially useful in the beginning and for unusual project issues. This also means we can help write a number of scripts free of charge.

Support to unlicensed users

We appreciate that purchasing a license for one ore more R-sw Platform modules might not always be the optimal solution.

In these circumstances, we can provide you with support on specific projects (this could be helping with the questionnaire, preparing the script, running the analysis, providing the results along with all input and output files).
We would also provide information on how to collect the data in the most appropriate format. Raw data should be delivered to us in Excel or SPSS formats, but ASCII/TEXT might also be acceptable. Usually, there is no confidentiality issue as the figures in the data file do not have to be described by full labels that might identify the research project, the client, the brands, or anything else.
  • the cost for our support depends on the project requirements. Please enquire for a cost estimate;
  • we deliver the results as well as all data files and R-sw Platform scripts;
  • our turnaround times are among the fastest in the industry; for some analyses (e.g., drivers, pricing) we provide the deliverables within 1 working day.
For further information about our capabilities and costs, please email us at
If you are looking for support on how to turn data into insights and strategic recommendations, please contact Kvasir Research

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