Licensing Information

Individual R-sw Platform modules and MapHelp are licensed on an annual basis, including free support and free upgrades (when available). We run a significant discount scheme to promote the subscription of multiple R-sw Platform modules or multiple licenses for the same module (to allow multiple users/installations).

Licenses are issued on a single-user basis. This means that a license allows one designated individuals the right to install and use the licensed package on only one computer (unless agreed otherwise). We operate a holiday scheme; if we receive advance communication that the designated user goes on holiday, we will allow an alternative user to use the licensed package during this period.

Unfortunately, we no longer provide demo or student versions of our packages, only full versions are offered. However, our prospective customers have the option to prepare / collect / make up some data, and we are more than happy to prepare and run the appropriate script for the analysis and to send back to you both the input (formatted data and R-sw script) and the output files from the R-sw Platform (as if it was installed on your machine). In this way you will be able to assess the simplicity of the script and the high quality / accuracy of the deliverables. Usually, there is no confidentiality issue as the figures in the data file do not have to be described by labels that might identify the research project, the client, or anything else. This solution appears to be quite satisfactory to most of our prospective clients and they typically purchase one or more licenses for R-sw Platform after such trial. Obviously, this trial (which could be an actual full analysis of a current project you are working on) is free of charge.

Are you a graduate student?

As we appreciate your university department might have a limited budget, we would be happy to run for you a number of analyses free of charge. We would ask you, however, to cite our package in your relevant publications. Please contact us with a short email with the relevant information and data example (if available).

For further information, please email: