What does R-sw Conjoint do?
- it allows generating a full profile CBC design (it is also possible to import and use an external design, of any type (orthogonal, d-efficient, full profile, partial profile, alternative-specific etc.);
- it produces summary statistics for any CBC design, so that it is possible to assess how a design performs on the various balance criteria;
it performs individual hierarchical Bayes logit estimation of choice-based conjoint data; - it performs individual traditional logit estimation of choice-based conjoint data;
- the choice-based conjoint design can be any of the following: full profile, partial profile, or alternative-specific;
- the option none of these can be modeled if required;
- one or more fixed products (whose definitions do not vary across the CBC tasks) can be modelled if required;
- it is possible to model a single response (respondents choose the most preferred scenario from each task), dual response (respondents choose the most preferred scenario and the second most preferred from each task), triple response (respondents choose the most preferred, the second most preferred, and the third most preferred scenario from each task), Best/Worst response (respondents choose the most preferred and the least preferred scenarios from each task);
- it requires at least 2 tasks per respondent for hierarchical Bayes logit estimation;
- columns in the design can refer to either quantitative and/or categorical attributes;
- the user can change the hierarchical Bayes parameters (number of Markov Chain Monte Carlo draws and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo thinning parameter) and to modify the default priors to increase or decrease the bayesian shrinkage effect;
- the outcomes are individual or aggregate raw utilities (coefficients) for each attribute/ level included in the experimental design;
- an advanced market simulator can easily be developed by importing utilities into R-sw Conjoint Type A Simulator (without fixed products) or R-sw Conjoint Type C Simulator (with fixed products);
- data can be easily imported and outcomes can be exported as CSV/text files.
Support, Manual and Examples:
- technical support and statistical consulting is available free of charge (within reasonable limits);
- an ‘html’ manual is provided with a detailed description of all available functions;
- full working examples are provided to help the User to become familiar with the package. These examples can be easily adapted by the User for new projects;
- in addition, two full working Excel-based advanced simulators (Type A and Type C) are provided; the User can easily amend these templates for a new project (passwords and instructions are provided).